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Cleavage, & Freckles, & Beauty Marks -- Oh My!

Big News: Skinthesis has moved! Here's the new SLurl.

OK, for those of you who aren't thus far resistant to using the new viewer 2.0 or the Emerald equivalent, there's ALOT of fun to be had with the new features! Where should I start? Oh, tattoo layers - thy name is AWESOME. Hehe, c'mon, how many years have we been begging for new layers? Well, now it's time to take advantage of them! : DSeriously, this could be a new revolution for customizing our avatars. In 2.1, just think, we'll be able to wear multiples of the same type of layer! Want to wear a vest & a top that are both only on the jacket layer? Done. Want to stack tattoo layers for freckles, cleavage, and beauty marks together? You can.In the 2.1 beta viewer (2.0.2) you can already play with this feature (though until the next server update the order of layers won't save between logins - but you can still stack layers that don't really need a specific order due to overlapping, like 2 tattoos that cover different parts of the body for instance). So, if you're enthusiastic about making your av truly yours, embrace it, play with it, and let your imagination be your guide!

Now, without further preamble, Skinthesis is proud to release freckles & beauty marks for your mixing and matching pleasure!Here's some teaser images so you can get an idea of some of the small touches you can add to your current skin for a whole new dimension to your visual personality ; )

If you're not in our update group yet, be sure to click the subscriber kiosk at the entrance to receive 2 free female skins - one human & one fantasy. Check out the fancy new digs, watch the lucky chair, and fish for 7seas customs on the ground level (ZH just added some AMAZING pink dragon boots to the SUR's!).

Be sure to explore our new location on the lovely Ode sim (adjacent to Oubliette) and feel free to dance in the many beautiful wildflower fields or share a romantic interlude with your special someone in any of the cozy nooks & crannies hidden away all over the sim.


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